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29 Tag Results for niagara

The public will have its say on a proposed change to how the city is represented at the regional level prior to any decision by city council. During a July 8 council meeting, councillors voted to wait until September to debate whether or not they would like to seek a dual-role councillor model at Niagara Region — a system where six city councillors would sit on regional council, in addition to their duties on city council. The delay was put forth to provide the public an opportunity to provide input on the proposal at meetings in July, August and September, leading to a possible decision shortly after. Continue reading
Municipalities across Ontario need to create war chests to fund legal battles against police associations over budget requests, say Niagara Region politicians who worked the room at Tuesday's Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference. As politicians flocked to a seminar on police costs — so popular the conference ran two back-to-back — Selina Volpatti discreetly passed out flyers announcing a post-conference huddle to discuss the benefits of arming themselves with ready-to-use cash. Continue reading
Municipalities across Ontario need to create war chests to fund legal battles against police associations over budget requests, say Niagara Region politicians who worked the room at Tuesday's Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference. As politicians flocked to a seminar on police costs — so popular the conference ran two back-to-back — Selina Volpatti discreetly passed out flyers announcing a post-conference huddle to discuss the benefits of arming themselves with ready-to-use cash. Continue reading
Niagara Regional Police are a step closer to approval of a $143.5-million budget – as well as the construction of a new St. Catharines police detachment – despite remaining frustration about an arbitrated settlement for police officers. Continue reading
Niagara Regional Police are a step closer to approval of a $143.5-million budget – as well as the construction of a new St. Catharines police detachment – despite remaining frustration about an arbitrated settlement for police officers. Continue reading

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