News Articles Headlines from local media

Category / Regional Reform

St. Catharines city council voted Monday night to fill the vacancy created by Al Caslin's ascension to Niagara Region chair with Matt Harris, who would serve double duty as a city and regional councillor. Such a scenario is not allowed under the Municipal Act, which, while allowing city councillor Harris to be appointed to the Region, does not allow him to hold both positions. The city is asking regional councillors to support its initiative as a pilot project and to request legislative approval from the minister of municipal affairs and housing. Continue reading
So we almost, sort of, but not really have dual representation for St. Catharines at city hall and regional council. I know, I know. You are totally excited, because the events of Monday night's city council meeting was like watching Evel Knievel and the Kentucky Derby at the same time. Continue reading
The public will have its say on a proposed change to how the city is represented at the regional level prior to any decision by city council. During a July 8 council meeting, councillors voted to wait until September to debate whether or not they would like to seek a dual-role councillor model at Niagara Region — a system where six city councillors would sit on regional council, in addition to their duties on city council. The delay was put forth to provide the public an opportunity to provide input on the proposal at meetings in July, August and September, leading to a possible decision shortly after. Continue reading

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